We believe the people of Earlsdon should continue to have access to a modern, sustainable, local library service. To achieve this, we will be:

1. Collaborative: We will work with Coventry City Council, and all stakeholders, to co-produce a viable and sustainable community model that ensures the future of the library service and the building.

2. Free: Whilst we will be looking at ways of generating revenue to run the service, core library services will always be free. We will never charge for the loan of books.

3. Sustainable: We are planning for the long-term. We will work in partnership with our stakeholders to create a modern library service that can ultimately sustain itself into the future.

4. Accessible: We will continue to provide library services that serve the whole community – preserving children’s services and continuing to give people of all ages a safe, welcoming community space.

5. Transparent: We will share our plans and activities openly with the community and welcome involvement from anyone who wishes to get involved.

6. Community-focused: We will work in the interests of the people of Earlsdon – listening to the views of our community and creating a library service that supports their needs.

We have developed a plan for transforming Earlsdon library into a community-led facility based on these principles.

Click here to read our vision for Earlsdon Library.


Banner image: Earlsdon Library, Earlsdon, Coventry. © Image & Design by Ian Halsey MMX